User FAQs
Fitness Network
My Stats
- How do I log non-Aaptiv workouts, and do they count towards my streak?
- What’s the difference between a moderate minute vs a vigorous minute?
- How does Aaptiv determine "weekly"?
- Can I customize these stats?
- What is the Readiness Score?
- What is the Fitness Score?
Heart Rate Coached Workouts
Adaptive Training Plans
- Can I pick the voice for the AI workouts?
- How do I remove this option from my screen(s)?
- What are the new exercise rating screens?
- Can I save/favorite my AI Adaptive training plan workouts like I can my other Aaptiv workouts?
- Do I have to pay anything additional for this feature?
- Do I have to wear a Heart Rate monitor?
Team Challenges
- What are Team Challenges?
- How do I join a Team Challenge?
- I signed up for a Team Challenge! When will I know what team I’m on?
- Can I join more than one challenge?
- Where will I be able to see posts from the other members in my challenge?
- If I complete a class twice, do I earn double the points?
Your Account
- How do I change my profile picture?
- How to delete your Aaptiv account
- How do I give Aaptiv feedback?
- How do I log in?
- How do I change my email and password?
- How do I delete my account information?
Trainers & Workouts
- How do I save a workout?
- How do I filter workouts?
- Where do I find the maternity workouts?
- Where can I find walking workouts?
- How do I modify a workout?
- Why do classes and programs leave Aaptiv?
Aaptiv Coach
- Heart Rate Monitor FAQs
- Adaptive Training Plan "Smart Coach"
- How do I log a non-Aaptiv workout?
- How do I add a healthy habit? How do I delete a healthy habit?
- How do I edit my profiles: Personal and Fitness
- How do I modify which days of the week I want to work out?
Billing & Cancellations
- Why was I charged my subscription fee if I deleted the app off my phone?
- How do I purchase an Aaptiv subscription?
- What are your different subscription offerings?
- How do I change my subscription?
- Why do I have to give my credit card information for a free trial?
- Why did my subscription renew?
About Aaptiv
- Can I access Aaptiv around the world?
- What is Aaptiv?
- Who is Skyfit?
- I want to work at Aaptiv! How do I apply?
- How do I get involved with the Aaptiv Community?
- Can I share Aaptiv with my friends and family?